NBP Islamic Savings Fund



NBP Islamic Savings Fund aims to earn a reasonable rate of return in a Shariah Compliant manner by investing in Shariah Compliant Debt securities, Money Market instruments and Bank Deposits.


NBP Islamic Savings Fund (NBP-ISF) is an open-ended Shariah Compliant income fund in which you earn halal munafa over your idle cash saving. The fund offers attractive profits compared to other saving avenues and has no lock in period – you can withdraw your savings whenever you want without penalty or any profit reduction. Your savings in this fund are invested in Money Market instruments, Bank Deposits and Debt securities, as per guidelines approved by our Shariah Supervisory Board.

This makes NBP-ISF a perfect saving solution for your short-term savings, allowing you to earn Halal Munafa with immediate access to your savings.

Launch DateOctober 26, 2007
CategoryOpen End – Shariah Complaint Income Fund
Risk Profile/Risk ErosionModerate/Principal at Moderate risk
Fund SizeRs. 4,285 million as at 31st December 2023
Dealing TimeClick here to view
Minimum InvestmentInitial Investment: Rs. 1,000/-
Subsequent Investment: Rs. 100/-
Management Fees8% of Net Income (min: 0.5% p.a., max: 1.5% p.a. of Net Assets) w.e.f 10-Jan-20, 1.50% of average net assets during the month
Load0% to 3%
Fund Stability Rating“AA-(f)” by PACRA
Benchmark6-Month average deposit rate of three A-rated Islamic Banks/Islamic windows of conventional banks as selected by MUFAP
Fund ManagerSalman Ahmed, CFA
Asset Management RatingAM1 by PACRA (Very High Quality)


  • Earn Halal Munafa on your idle cash savings
  • Attractive profits compared to other saving avenues
  • Avail optional life and accidental takaful coverage of up to Rs. 50 Lacs (Terms & Conditions Apply)
  • No lock-in period – redeem your investment at any time without penalty
    • Instantly transfer up to Rs. 200,000/- to any bank account through IBFT**
    • Transfer cash in just 45 minutes to your bank account via Swift Pay***
    • ATM/Debit card to withdraw your savings from anywhere in Pakistan
  • Under the supervision of Shariah Advisory board including Dr. Imran Ashraf Usmani, Mufti Muhammad Naveed Alam & Mufti Ehsan Waquar.


  • Earn Riba Free Munafa on your idle cash savings
  • Keep your savings liquid with immediate access – withdraw anytime without penalty
  • Avail online transfer & ATM/Debit card facility to meet your cash requirements



* Benchmark return during December 2023 was 11.0% p.a. Since inception return from 26-Oct-07 till 31-Dec-23 was 7.9% p.a. vs. benchmark return of 5.6% p.a. Last one year return till 31-Dec-23 was 17.7% p.a vs benchmark return of 7.9% p.a. Returns for fiscal year 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019 were 14.6% , 9.2% , 5.7% , 10.9% , 8.5% respectively vs benchmark returns of 6.0% , 3.3% , 3.6% , 6.3% , 3.7% .; Disclaimer: All investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the Offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. The scheme holds certain non-compliant investments. Before making any investment decision, investors should review the latest monthly Fund Manager Report and Financial Statements. The reported returns may include provisioning and reversal of provisioning against some debt securities.

An Asset Management Company (AMC) is a highly regulated institution that invests its clients’ pooled funds into investment avenues that match declared financial objectives. Asset management companies provide investors with more diversification and investing options than they would have by themselves

Who is the Trustee / Custodian of the funds offered by NBP Funds?

The Central Depository Committee (CDC) is the trustee for all the funds offered by NBP Funds.

Are all NBP Funds listed?

Yes, all funds offered by NBP Funds are listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange.

What is a Benchmark?

A benchmark in case of Mutual Funds, represents the market in which the Mutual Fund invests money. The performance of the benchmark is considered to be the average performance of all the investors in that market. A Mutual Fund’s performance is compared with the benchmark in order to find out whether the Fund performed better than the market. All actively managed Funds try to perform better than their specified benchmarks.

Is NBP Funds rated by any Credit Rating Agency?

Yes, our company is rated “AM1” (Very High Quality) by PACRA (The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited). This is the highest investment rating in Pakistan.

Who ensures Islamic investment options are Shari’ah Compliant?

NBP Funds dedicated Shari’ah Advisory Board ensures that the operation and investments made for the Shari’ah Compliant unit trusts are in compliance with the recognized principles of Shari’ah.

How do I apply for redemption of units?

Request for redemption can be made by completing and submitting the prescribed Redemption Form and endorsing the relevant Unit Certificate, if issued. The request for redemption would be honored after verifying the signature and other particulars of the Unit Holder.

How are units priced?

Units are offered to the public at a price equal to Net Asset Value (NAV) per unit plus sales load. Sales load is a given percentage of NAV.

What is NAV?

NAV is the Net Asset Value. It is the redemption price of an individual unit of a Mutual Fund.

NAV = (Current Market Value of all the Assets – Liabilities) / Total Number of Units Outstanding

What is sales load?

Sales load is the sales charge on open-end funds applied to unit/shareholders. It is a given fixed percentage of Net Asset Value per Unit. Some mutual funds recover the sales load when investors purchase the units (Front End Load), whereas others do when investors redeem (encash) the units (Back End Load). Mutual Funds generally do not charge sales load on reinvestment of dividend. The shorter the period of investment, the greater will be the impact of the sales load. Maximum benefit can be derived from Mutual Fund investments by regularly investing, reinvesting the dividend and holding the investment for a longer period.

Is there any purchase fee (front- end sales load) on NBP Funds?

Yes, front end load is specific to each fund. Please select your fund of choice in our products tab to view details.

Is there any encashment fee (back-end load) on NBP Funds?

There is no back end load on any of NBP Funds’ units

Can a Unit Holder transfer the Units to another investor/account holder?

A Unit Holder may transfer any Units held by that Unit Holder to any other Account Holder by submitting a properly filled Transfer Form (NBP Funds Form 04).

Can a Unit Holder convert the Units from one Fund to another?

A Unit Holder may convert the units from one Fund into units of another Fund managed by the Management Company by submitting a properly filled Exchange of Units Form (NBP Funds Form 06). The Transfer Agent shall carry out the conversion after satisfying that all the requisite formalities have been fulfilled and payment of the applicable taxes, fees and/or load, if any, has been received.

Can I borrow against investment in units? (Pledge of Units)

Yes. The following procedure will be involved:

  • The investor has to fill out the Pledge Form (NBP Funds Form 05) link available with us and submit it to the respective bank.
  • The bank will send that form to Transfer Agent to mark lien on the units.
  • The Transfer Agent will mark lien on the units and inform the bank.
  • The bank then, subject to its own conditions, releases the loan.
  • The loan amount will vary based on the type of Fund you have invested in.

Can I invest in any currency?

Investment can only be made in Pak Rupees (PKR).

Do you accept outstation cheques?

If the investor has a bank account outside the city of Karachi, we prefer to be paid by a pay order or a demand draft from investors own Bank Accounts. However, cheques are also acceptable in such cases. The reason why we discourage outstation cheques is that it may take a few days to realize the payment.

Do you accept third party cheques?

Yes, we do accept third party cheques at the time of sale. If you are using a cheque of another individual at the time of your investment, then a Third-Party Declaration is also required (mandatory). For third party declaration please click here.

Is there any Insurance/Takaful Coverage on investment?

Yes. NBP Funds Offers its investors Insurance / Takaful Coverage on various investment solutions. For details click here.

Will zakat be deducted at source?

Yes, zakat will be deducted at source unless Zakat exemption declaration form (CZ-50) is submitted with the transfer agent.

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